Sometimes we all need a little support.
Does anyone ever listen to you?
Fancy a Team Talk?
We are here to help.
Team Talk is Lincoln City Foundation’s mental health programme for people aged over 16. We provide safe spaces and physical activity sessions to help break down the barriers that prevent people asking for help, whilst also offering a network of social support.

Sadly, suicide is on the rise...
We need to reverse this devastating pattern.

We are here to help you when you are ready. Do not struggle alone.
Andy’s Man Club
Co-op Community Hub
LNER Stadium
7-9 pm
A talking group for men because you’ve either been through a storm, are currently going through a storm, or have a storm brewing in your life.
No need to book, simply turn up
1st Wednesday
of every month
Let’s Talk
Co-op Community Hub, LNER Stadium
First Wednesday of every month
Peer-to-peer support group for men and women age 18+ providing a safe place to talk.
No need to book, simply turn up
Team Talk Football
3G, LNER Stadium
12noon - 1pm
£2 per session
An opportunity for men to come together and have a kick about – please note that studded boots are not permitted at this session
No need to book, simply turn up
For more information, please fill in the form below and take that first step to join us. Once we have received your details, a member of the team will contact you to see how we can help. Alternatively, you can email us directly via teamtalk@lincolncityfoundation.co.uk.
Foundation email and phones are monitored between 9 am-5 pm Monday to Friday. If you need a more urgent response, do not be afraid to call: 116 123 or find national support here: Samaritans | Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy | Here to listen.
For local advice and more useful information please use the links below.