Our Sincil Bank Community work, or Place-Based Social Action (PBSA), aims to create positive change by enabling people, communities, local non-statutory organisations and the statutory sector to work collaboratively to create a shared vision for the future of their place and address local priorities through social action. The Sincil Bank neighbourhood in Lincoln is one of only 10 places in the whole of England to be awarded PBSA funding.
The Foundation’s Community team belongs to the Sincil Bank Community Partnership and works to support local residents to reach their full potential, facilitating both community and personal change. We have adopted the Community Organising approach since 2013, reaching out and listening, connecting and motivating people to build their collective power. Community Organising is the work of bringing people together to take action around their common concerns and overcome social injustice.
We support and empower residents from the Sincil Bank area to undertake social action to create neighbourhood level change.
If you would like to find out more about the PBSA project or learn more about how you can get involved, please contact the Community team on community@lincolncityfoundation.co.uk or fill out the form below.