We feel that the delivery of PE is the best way for us to achieve the above. We deliver PE, after school clubs, lunch clubs and PPA cover, as well as other services which can be found in our packages.
Our coaches are able to build amazing relationships with students and staff in all the schools we work in, helping to make a positive impact across the school.
We create bespoke packages for our schools so that we can meet their specific needs. We plan and deliver our PE lessons so that we can highlight and embed your school values within our delivery. At the end of each half-term, we pick a child who is our ‘Values Champion’ for that half term, if they have displayed one or more of the values that we are teaching.

Values Champion Trophy
We have an amazing variety of after school clubs available – NOT JUST FOOTBALL! We offer sports such as tennis, cricket, handball, basketball, dance, gymnastics and more – please see schools brochure for details.
“I had two teachers personally e-mail me and ask me to say how fantastic they thought you were last week. Mrs Newbury (reception) said she thought you were amazing with the challenging pupils from her class and Mrs Byers, our deputy head, was requesting you in each and every week!” - J. Hobson, PE Coordinator.

Impact on Physical health and PE KPI's
The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
Regular PE and after school club sessions
The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement Embedding values, delivery of health workshops and celebrating successes
Increased confidence, knowledge, and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
School staff observing delivery to gather ideas and the option of formal mentoring by LCF staff
Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
With LCF almost every appropriate sport is available for primary school children
Increased participation in competitive sport
We run competitions and PE/ASC sessions
have elements of competition
Impact on Mental Wellbeing
The ability of coaches to build strong relationships with children and help them to enjoy PE, allowing them to have fun and be present.
A range of PSHE sessions available covering aspects of mental health, mindfulness, equality, diversity and inclusion.
Values-based delivery to help children develop school values as well as LCF values of Trust, Commitment, Inclusivity, Teamwork and Inspiration.
Yoga and mindfulness lessons to help children to be more present.
We work with ‘MIND’
We can adapt PE lessons to fit in with the values/topic/theme for that half term and planning is in line with the national curriculum