By Elizabeth Welch, Head of Engagement
So, you have done the easy bit, you have picked a goal and you have started it. But, how do you stay motivated past January to make sure that come December, you are not looking back at something you failed to achieve? I myself am guilty of losing motivation halfway through a challenge or giving up completely. So, I have compiled some top tips from lessons I have learnt along the way to help you stay on track!
1 – Commit yourself
If I look back at the goals I have achieved, they are usually ones that I was almost forced into achieving. Last year I joined the gym, I have continued to go every month (even when I really didn’t feel like it) because I committed myself to a year’s membership and I feel much better for it! For me, knowing I was paying for it regardless, pushed me to use it so that I didn’t waste the money. The commitment helps push you through those days of really low motivation to keep going.
You don’t have to go to those extremes though, here are some quick and easy ways you can commit yourself to your goal.
Buy an outfit for an event in the size you are aiming for.
Enter yourself for a race later in the year. The Lincoln City Half Marathon is in September (hint, hint)
Declare your aim on social media and provide updates to your friends.
Do it with a friend.
Get your reward ready, but give it to a family member who won't let you have it until you reach your reward
2 – Prepare to fail
We have all heard the saying ‘fail to prepare then prepare to fail’ but what about preparing to fail altogether. If you know you are likely to lose motivation and quit, then prepare for that. Make a plan for when you are feeling demotivated, to get you back on track. Making the plan now, instead of when you are feeling low, is likely to mean that it is a more positive plan and will throw you back into the mindset of when you created it. You know you, so plan something that you think will help you gain momentum, it's maybe just a reminder as to why you are doing this.
Its important to be kind to yourself here. We all fall off the path at some point but its only a fail if you stay off, you can jump back on at any time. Refocus, reset and restart.
3 – Set markers and celebrate success
This one is absolutely key to staying on target if your goal will take a while to achieve. It can be really hard to stay motivated for long periods of time, which is why my advice is to set markers. Weight loss is a good example of this. If your target is to lose a stone over the year, break the target down and set little markers to keep you on track, so you would have half a stone at the 6-month mark. This will help you keep track of how you are doing, spread it out into an achievable target and give you something to celebrate. Decide on a reward for each time you reach a marker and enjoy it!
4 – Lookback
This one is super simple but effective. Look back from where you have come to see the impact of where you are now. If your resolution is to complete couch to 5k, then when you are halfway through, take the time to reflect on what you have achieved. Is it becoming easier? Can you go further without feeling tired? Are you starting to enjoy putting your trainers on and having some time alone? Sometimes all we need to remotivate ourselves is a little time to reflect on the progress you have made so far.
5 – Get by with a little help from your friends
Finally, surround yourself with positivity! If you are taking up a sport, try to find people to join you, or join a local group. I am a hugely competitive person, so when I take on a challenge, if I can compete against someone I am much more likely to push through and reach my goal. Set yourself up for success by building your cheerleading team to support you over the finish line!
You can do this!
Hopefully, those little tips will be just what you need to keep you motivated and help you achieve your goals this year. Our experts have given you lots more advice in our small goals blog series, check out some of our blogs below.